Staff & Board

2024 Board of Directors

James Nantell, Chair, Director (vacant as of September 6, 2024)
Sue Campbell, Treasurer
David Anderson MD, Director
Erin Gore, Director
Hector Galvan, Director

2025 Board of Directors (effective December 6, 2024)

Hector Galvan, Chair, Director
Sue Campbell, Treasurer
David Anderson MD, Director
Erin Gore, Director
Brian Callahan, Director

Address and Phone Number

North Sonoma County Healthcare District
Attn: Board Clerk
1425 No. McDowell Blvd., Suite 105
Petaluma, CA 94954

Board of Directors

The North Sonoma County Healthcare District (NSCHD) was formed in 2001. Governance is by a five-member, publicly elected board, each serving four-year terms.

Hector Galvan (Director)

Hector Galvan has been a Sonoma County resident for over 30 years, where he resides with his wife and three children. He is currently the City of Cloverdale Parks Superintendent and City Arborist, where he has been employed for over 15 years. He brings with him a lifetime of experience in landscape, open space forest management, public utilities and facilities maintenance, as well as many relevant civil licenses and certifications, including a degree in Environmental Horticulture. His educational background and interests also include coursework in physical therapy and nutrition. Hector’s main goal as a civil servant is to develop our parks and open spaces into focal points for the community to gather, in a safe and nurturing environment throughout the year. He hopes to contribute his expertise in parks and community development as a member of the District Board, which will allow for opportunities to incorporate new programs for families through outdoor activity.

Director Hector Gavan was recently highlighted in the Sonoma County Gazette at the grand opening of a basketball court in Cloverdale. Learn more about the newest member of the North Sonoma County Healthcare District Board of Directors, Hector Galvan and his family’s journey to our community. Please read the article here.

Sue Campbell (Treasurer)

Sue Campbell brings to the North County Health Care District Board years of experience working in the healthcare industry. During her 22 years at Accenture, she conducted information systems, strategic planning and process improvement projects. Subsequently she served as a member of the national team for Kaiser Permanente’s Epic electronic medical record systems project where she coordinated all 8 regions during the design phase and then worked on the Northern California implementation team.

Board member Campbell earned her Bachelor of Arts in Human Biology from Stanford University and her MBA from Stanford’s Graduate School of Business. She is proactive and dedicated to her community and is an active member of the Healdsburg branch of the American Association of University Women, having served as Treasurer, Vice President and President.

David Anderson, MD (Director)

Dr. Anderson retired in 2011 from 38 years of practice in Healdsburg where he served three terms as Chief of Medical Staff with Healdsburg District Hospital. Since retirement he has remained active in community healthcare in a variety of ways, including chairperson of the Healthcare Foundation Northern Sonoma County in 2012. He has been involved in fundraising throughout his career, and was co-chair of the Hospital Revitalization Campaign that netted $14.5 million for the hospital.

In 2014, Dr. Anderson was instrumental in raising the age for purchase of tobacco products to 21 in Healdsburg. In 2018, Dr. Anderson was the honoree of the prestigious Community Health Advocate Award presented by the Healthcare Foundation Northern Sonoma County. Dr. Anderson’s long history with our community, his vast experience in the healthcare field and his commitment to advocacy are just a few of the assets he brings to the District Board. He and his wife Cathy currently reside in Geyserville.

Erin Gore (Director)

Erin Gore joined the North County Health Care District in 2016 bringing an extensive list of accomplishments as a business woman working for a global corporation and now as a successful entrepreneur. She offers invaluable experience in customer management, financial management, market assessments and organizational strategy.

Gore holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical and Biological Engineering from the University of Wisconsin. In addition to her role as a board member with NSCHD, she also sits on the board of the Healthcare Foundation of Northern Sonoma County. Ms. Gore is the founding co-chair of WEmpowered, founder and past president of Bridgewater Network of Women, a mentor in the Cherie Blair Foundation for Entrepreneurship, and a member of Circular Board Accelerator for women. She resides in Healdsburg with her husband Tom.

Brian Callahan (Appointed Director, effective 12/6/2024)

More information forthcoming.

James Nantell (Chair – resigned as of 9/6/2024)

James Nantell, who resides in Windsor with wife Christine, recently retired from his position as Deputy Director for Sonoma County Parks. His 45 year career in local government includes 12 years as City Manager for the City of Burlingame, California which was preceded by more than 15 years with the City of San Mateo as Deputy City Manager and Assistant City Manager. Prior to that, he worked for 17 years in San Mateo Parks and Recreation Department.

Board Chair Nantell holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from the University of Wisconsin and an M.S. degree in Parks and Recreation Administration from California State University San Francisco. Also, he attended Harvard JFK School of Local Government. Nantell has been a Rotarian for more than 25 years and served as the president of the Board of Directors for the Leslie Foundation, a non-profit organization operating four senior residential facilities. His past work as a foot race coordinator for the Bay to Breakers race had him directing the finish line for more than 25 years. He currently also serves on the Board of Directors for Catholic Charities and Saint Vincent de Paul for Santa Rosa Diocese.